
“Have you ever felt stressed, overwhelmed, or negatively affected by thoughts and feelings, and felt like you haven’t had control over how to handle it?”

“Have you, perhaps several times in your life, thought about changing or improving certain habits to live a healthier life but found it difficult to get started?”

“Do you carry a dream of achieving more of your potential and reaching your most ambitious goals but feel that something is holding you back?”

“Have you found yourself in a financially difficult situation or feel that you’re short on money and don’t know how to move forward?”

If you can answer YES to just 1 of these questions, this course may be for you.

Your participation in this course will open doors to a range of incredible opportunities. We focus on training your mind through positive programming, active meditations, and a bit of yoga.

We will uncover the negative patterns that may hold you back at the moment. I will provide you with the tools to identify and break these limiting beliefs so that you can reach your full potential.

The course will offer you insights and strategies to replace bad habits with healthier and more productive ones, which will significantly enhance your well-being and improve your quality of life.

Through practical mind training, you will develop awareness of yourself and your surroundings. This can help you make better and more wise decisions and help you navigate through life with greater clarity.

You will learn to take control of your own mind and thoughts so that you can better and more effectively manage stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts. Thus improving your mental health.

The goal of the course is to help you discover and harness your full potential. We believe that every individual has more than enough inner strength and potential to achieve what they desire, and our course is designed to pull that out and guide you on that journey.

We encourage you to take the brave step toward improving your life by enrolling in our next course, today. You deserve to live a life with increased awareness and full control over your mind.

Let’s work together towards your success and well-being.

Register now and begin your journey to a better version of yourself! The course runs over 2 days from Saturday morning at 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Sunday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Next course is October 26-27th 2024 at Strömfors in Ballingslöv, Hässleholm.


On Saturday, we will go through the 4 cornerstones of development and the 4 steps to success. This includes the different frequencies within which our brain operates and what it means, as well as how we can utilize it. We will work on stress management, and you will go through some exercises and a guided meditation to handle stress immediately, so you can become aware of the signals when stress approaches and manage it before it takes over. Before lunch we will end with a long guided meditation to help you relax.

Saturday afternoon, we will delve into 3 ways to set goals. This is not what is usually taught. We will discuss which approach to choose in different situations and what is required.

You will find and set goals that work for you. Once again, you will participate in a guided meditation where we will use my favorite tool to help you program and focus on your goals. We will also learn to do quick meditations (under 10 seconds) that you can use to achieve your daily goals.

To accomplish all of this, a mental cleansing is needed, which we will do as a group. Here, we will work on language and how we talk to ourselves and others, the impact it has on our health, finances, relationships and the self-image we have created. You will receive exercises that will help you create a self-image that aligns with what you desire. As a very useful and fun skill, you will learn to wake up without an alarm clock.

Negative habits and limiting patterns are what prevent us from living the life we desire. We will examine what they are and how you can change them. On Sunday, we will focus more on our intuition and using more of our senses. You will learn exercises that can help you solve problems even while you sleep.

It will be possible to pre-order food during the course. The meals will be vegan/plant-based to keep both the body and mind in optimal condition for all the exercises.

Normal price: 5.500SEK

To reserve your seat and get more info please click on the button below
