
Hi, I’m Stefani.

A regular girl from Denmark with a passion to learn about human potential. I wanted to know, what is it EXACTLY that makes people genuinely happy, successful, and fulfilled? Why do some people struggle while others find a way to thrive, often despite the most challenging circumstances?

So, I’m very proud that I, through the last 20+ years, have had the opportunity to help many thousand people to create a business and life that they really love.

In my early ages, I had a lot of failed attempts at corporate jobs and with no college degree, I had a lot of angst trying to choose just one thing to be and do in life, so it was first after my suicide attempt in 1994 that I woke up and decided to take charge of my life.

All my life I’ve been interested and passionate about a many seemingly unconnected things: reading, plants, horses, psychology, creativity, spirituality, health and wellness, just to name a few. And later came entrepreneurship and investments. That curiosity has taken me far and wide.

So, while I still had a 9-5 job, I started slowly building my first business, as an Image Consultant & personal shopper, from the ground up.

I wasn’t born knowing how to do any of this, and to begin with, it was scary. I didn’t have any education in this area, and I didn’t have any money either. On top of that I was a very introverted person. As a child I was the quiet type. My father’s mantra was “children should be seen and not heard”, or “speaking is silver and silence is golden”.

But challenges are to be overcome and as Marie Forleo says; “Everything is Figureoutable”. And with time I learned that there is nothing in life that you can’t be, do, have, achieve, transform or transcend -— as long as you’re willing to roll up your sleeves, get in there, and go for it.

A year after I started my first business, I started my second, this time withing the health and wellness sector. Short after I closed down the first one.

Beside that I’m a certified life coach, certified mindset trainer, certified Angel card reader. I’m a motivational speaker and is, at this moment, writing my first book – soon to be published.

So, you see. If I can do it, so can you. No matter what your dreams or obstacles, you have the power to change your life and, by doing so, you’ll change the world.

My mission is to help you become the best version of you that you can be. To empower you to believe in yourself. To raise your vibration to the point where you know you are capable of anything. To help you dream big and back it up with meaningful action. To be a winner in life.

This is my business. And Yes, I sell things. I’m proud and deeply grateful to earn a living doing so. But when that is said, I do also offer a lot of FREE content through my blog and my social media channels.

I’m no sage and I don’t have all the answers. I make mistakes, and get into fear and self-doubt, just like everyone else.

But my commitment is to bring you the very best of what I’m living and learning, while keeping it real and honest as I go. So please don’t expect me to be perfect (I’m too plain-spoken for that) but do expect thought-provoking ideas, timeless wisdom, and a devotion to help you make the rest of your life the best of your life.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship. I’d love to learn more about you.
The best way for us to stay connected is via my newsletter — just sign up below by entering your name and email.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit. I’m thrilled we’re connected and I’m excited for the journey ahead.

“With all my love,”

